
This post describes how to install and configure the Bamboo tool which is used for Continuous Integration and Continuous deployment also called as CI/CD pipelines.

There are various types of CI/CD pipelines and Bamboo is one of the tool which is being used for continuous deployments in the cloud environment.

Below are the some of the tools.

1. Azure DevOps (TFS)

2. Travis CI

3. Jenkins

4. Bamboo

Below are the steps to install the Bamboo in Ubuntu Linux Server.

First, we need to install the pre-requisites which are needed before installing the Bamboo application.

We need to install the latest updates in the server and to install it run the below command.

sudo apt-get update

Install below packages which are important for Bamboo.

sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common

sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk


After install Java, configure in the Environment Variable by following through the below steps.


JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre — create the variable

export JAVA_HOME — permanent written the variable even after reboot
echo $PATH
echo $PATH

Once Java setup is completed then create two directories. One is for Bamboo-install and another one is Bamboo-home. Bamboo-install is used to install the Bamboo application and configure the environment, And Bamboo-home is used to save the tasks packages and other purposes. Lets proceed with the commands now. mkdir bamboo-home mkdir bamboo-install Post directories are created, goto Bamboo-install folder and download the bamboo package by run the below command. cd bamboo-install wget

After download, then unzip the file by run the below command

tar -xvf atlassian-bamboo-6.5.0.tar.gz

Now go to the folder which was unzipped

cd atlassian-bamboo-6.5.0.tar.gz
cd atlassian-bamboo

And configure the and set to bamboo-home folder as an option.

cd classes

Post Configuration is completed then start the services by run the below command.


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