Install and Configure Bamboo tool

This post describes how to install and configure the Bamboo tool which is used for Continuous Integration and Continuous deployment also called as CI/CD pipelines. There are various types of CI/CD pipelines and Bamboo is one of the tool which is being used for continuous deployments in the cloud environment. Below are the some of…

Application Gateway

Load balancing | Application Gateway Azure Application Gateway gives you application-level routing and load balancing services that let you build a scalable and highly-available web front end in Azure. You control the size of the gateway and scale your deployment based on your needs. It will comes under Layer 7(Application) in OSI model. We will…

Create a VM in Azure Portal

Create a VM in Azure portal Login to (if this the first time you are logging in then it will ask to create a storage account.) run the below commands to create a VM az vm create –resource-group HUBRG01 –name WEB1 –image UbuntuLTS –location eastus –vnet-name HUBVNET01 –subnet HUBSUBNET01 –admin-username rootadmin –admin-password “Password” –nsg…